thankthatstar wrote in
Sep 06, 2009 21:41
holy shizz tay: your calves,
clothes: khaki shorts,
taylor: is jacob black bitch,
does my being half naked bother you,
holy shizz tay: your arms,
hair: i can't really tell,
dose of vitamin t,
action: being illegally sexy,
things we ♥: taylor in general,
era: eclipse,
taylor: so illegally sexy it's not funny,
clothes: shoes as jacob whaaaaat,
total taycob love,
holy shizz tay: your shoulders,
oh taylor we're drooling right now,
action: sending us to jail,
david slade pwns,
location: the forks forest,
clothes: boxers,
face: unreadable,
holy shizz tay: your ninja skillz,
action: flipping,
clothes: no shirt omgomgomg,
holy shizz tay: your back musclesss